Blue 9 Burger

22nd May 2006


Blue 9 Burger
92 Third Ave
Distance from Shake Shack: 0.61 miles
Travel Time: 18 minutes

of People in Line: 0

Of all the burgers around the area, this one probably comes the closest to replicating the style of the Shake Shack.  They are both in the same vein as the West Coast burger staple, In-N-Out Burgers, which are hyper-fresh and vegetable laden.  Everything is made to order,...

Beating the Waiting Game: Alternatives to the Shake Shack

22nd May 2006


I dream of Shake Shack.  That beacon of irresistible American fare starts simmering in my brain around noon, when I can begin to smell the delectable combination of sirloin and brisket, the potato bun, the perfectly proportioned fresh ingredients, and that secret sauce.  We all have our favorite lunch time spots, the local place around the corner, and this one is mine.  Being just two block...